Join the Self Love Crew
By Audrey Collins

In a world where I feel like we know so much about each other through sharing our own realities on social media, I somehow still feel alone. I crave the ability to connect with people on a level deeper than celebrating over the new “gluten free oreos” or sharing a laugh over the best “tik toks of 2020”. Not that I don't enjoy this things - I DO, but I'm learning more everyday what it means to have true connection.
The last couple years for me have been a deep learning that before I can have authentically deep connections with others, I have to FIRST connect with myself.....learn to accept and love myself. That’s it...the real connection must first transform my heart before I can venture to connect outside of myself.
This journey hasn't been easy, but it has been extraordinarily worthwhile. It takes a lot of work. Still today I sometimes wonder how to find this head to heart connection. I'm learning I must breathe and let this relationship build and reveal itself.
This year specifically I've learned so much from Glennon Doyle's Untamed and am reminding myself regularly that I can do hard things.
When I started writing Self Love Rebellion, it was to remind myself that although it can feel like work to acquire this love of self, it is sure worth the uproar it can spark.
We all like to tell each other we're not alone, and in reality, it's true that we are immersed in this world full of humanity. Still, a lot of the time, we feel alone when we can’t find companionship with ourselves because at the end of the night when we lay in bed after spending hours on our phone, we feel empty.
That is why we must rebel against this perception of loneliness. The loneliness I FEEL is just because I'm looking for outside validation and I have to tell myself everyday that it is just an intruder on self love.
When I can truly take ownership that I am worthy...I am enough.....I am strong and capable, nothing can keep my spirits down for long. So who are you? And are you ready to rebel for it?
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE seeing all your beautiful, perfectly imperfect selves proudly proclaiming your value and who you are.
DM me your "I AM" pic @audreycollinsmusic
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